Status : Active
License Number : 0000493
Licensee Name : Claudia Monte
Previous Name(s) : Claudia Garcia Camou

License Details

License Period
10/25/2018 - Current   [Will Expire on: 04/30/2026]

Employment Details

Employing Laboratory Dates Employed (During Licensure)
Texas Department of Public Safety Houston Laboratory
12230 West Road, Building C
Houston, Texas 77065
(281) 517-1380
05/15/2023 - Current
Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences
10/25/2018 - 05/06/2023

License Category Details

License Category Dates
Seized Drugs Analyst 05/15/2023 - Current
Seized Drugs Analyst 10/25/2018 - 05/06/2023


File Description
07.16.2024_License Certificate