OSAC Registry Standard Details

Laboratory(s) Associated With Standard
Standard Implemented
ANSI/ASB Standard 119, Standard for the Analytical Scope and Sensitivity of Forensic Toxicological Testing of Blood in Medicolegal Death Investigations, First Edition, 2021
Original Implementation Date
Current Implementation Type
Type Dates
Partial 08/10/2022 - Current
Provision(s) Not Implemented
Provision Number:
Portions of Table 1
08/10/2022 - Current
Provision Description:
Laboratory does not meet scope or sensitivity for some of the drugs listed. Customers can view the scope of testing on our website.
Opted-out Reasons:
Insufficient resources: Personnel; Funding; Other (To fully comply with the scope of testing required by this standard, more assays and would have to be added (or send-outs), thereby extending the turnaround time for results. Because the HCIFS pathologists (customers) do not feel changes to our current scope of testing is warranted, there are no plans to fully implement. )